We offer a 30-day unconditional refund guarantee for unopened and unused items. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can request a return and refund within 30 days of receiving the product. Please note that the return shipping fee is the responsibility of the customer and is non-refundable. The item must be returned in its original packaging and unused to qualify for a product refund.

If the item’s box has been opened, you need to send a picture and confirm with the seller. Return can only be supported if the confirmation does not affect the normal use, and you will be charged a certain amount of goods loss charge (20%). Please ensure that you return the item with all its original packaging and accessories in the same condition as when you received it.

You can cancel your order within 8 hours of placing it by contacting our customer service via email. A full refund will be issued within 3-5 business days of receiving cancellation confirmation. If you wish to cancel an order after 8 hours, we can check if it’s still in our warehouse. If it has not shipped yet, we will refund you in full. If the package is in transit, a 15% restocking fee and shipping expenses will be charged.

To confirm your return, please email us at info@renbooksi.com with your order number, a clear picture or video of the item, and the shipping packaging. We will provide a return shipping label, and you must affix it to the package and send it to the address we provide. We cover return fees if the item has quality-related issues, has been damaged in transit, the wrong item was shipped, or it was lost in transit. Customers cover return shipping fees if they don’t like the product, no longer need it, or ordered the wrong product. The refund will be released once our warehouse receives all the packages.

If you want to exchange an item, please return the original product and purchase the new item separately.